日期 Date:2024年10月19至20日 19-20 OCT 2024
時間 Time: 10am – 6pm
Venue: Lo Wai, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong (Full Address will be sent after registration)
課程費用 Course Fee: 每位港幣 2800 元 HKD 2800 Each
(素食午餐需自費,餐費約$50-100; Vegan meal does not included, an extra fee around $50-100 would be charged if you need.)
複訓隨喜(餐費另計)Refresher Welcome, donation-based (Vegan meals not included and an extra fee around $50-100 would be charged if you need.)
報名 Registration :
1. Swamini Ananda Krishna(微信號:Amethyst_Wen)
2. BMHK WhatsApp +852 9365 9052
報名表格 Registration Form:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/wF1v3lX.aspx
透過阿特瑪科里亞瑜珈發現內心的平靜和精神成長。這種變革性的技巧得到了帕拉瑪罕薩·維希瓦南達(Paramahamsa Vishwananda) 和摩訶阿瓦塔阿瓦塔·巴巴吉(Mahavatar Babaji) 上師的祝福,可以促進愛,釋放舊有的習氣,並加深與神聖的連結。在本課程中,您不僅會獲得實用的靈性工具,還會獲得獨特的Shaktipat能量傳輸。您通往內心平靜和精神滿足的道路從這裡開始!歡迎來到一段啟發真實自我的旅程。
阿特瑪科里亞瑜珈是一種獨特的冥想技巧,它將豐富您的日常生活,讓您有時間去愛和享受自己。它可以很好地融入您的日常生活,每天可以練習 20-60 分鐘左右。它包括一套強大的體式(瑜珈姿勢)、冥想技巧、手印(身體或手部的特殊能量姿勢)和梵文頌歌唱誦,以連結到內在的神聖。
Discover inner peace and spiritual growth with Atma Kriya Yoga. This transformative technique, blessed by the masters Paramahamsa Vishwananda and Mahavatar Babaji, promotes love, releases unwanted patterns, and deepens the connection to the Divine. In this course, you will not only receive practical tools but also a unique Shaktipat energy transmission. Your path to inner peace and spiritual fulfillment begins here! Welcome to an inspiring journey to your true self.
Atma Kriya Yoga is a unique meditation technique, which will enrich your daily life with time for love & time for yourself. It integrates very well into your daily life and can be practiced around 20-60 minutes per day. It comprises a powerful set of asanas (yoga postures), meditation techniques, mudras (special energetic postures of the body or the hands), and mantra chanting, to connect to the Divine within.
You will be guided more and more to your heart, learning to “think” from the heart, rather than with the mind. As the heart guides us to Truth and our authentic identity, Atma Kriya Yoga is for sure something that you would miss if it were not part of your daily routine. Come and join the community of worldwide Atma Kriya Yogis on the path of becoming your true self.
筆記本和筆。 (課程結束時您將獲得一本課程手冊帶回家)。
A yoga mat, and a cushion or something comfortable for you to sit on.
Bottle of water.
Note pad and pen. (You will be given a manual at the end of the course to take home).
Lunch time: We will have 1 hour break for lunch, vegan meal can be pre-ordered , Or you can bring a packed lunch.